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Senate Republicans unveiled their healthcare plan yesterday after weeks of closed-door sessions....
A few weeks ago, the local county tax assessor sent appraisal staff through the neighborhood. They...
Didn’t we just wrap up tax season? Well, like it or not, another deadline is upon us.
Obamacare exempted small businesses (those with less than 50 FTE employees) from its Employer...
Last week, the U.S. House of Representatives, by a narrow margin, passed the American Health Care...
Back in 2014, we brought to your attention the Marketplace Fairness Act, a piece of legislation...
President Trump released the outline for his tax reform proposal last week, checking off one of his...
We’re all pretty familiar with overtime law: If a non-exempt employee works more than 40 hours in a...
This past October, we highlighted some important proposed changes to R&D Tax Credit law. Of...
We have a pretty great podcast and insights that dig into issues you really care about.