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Atypical Insights

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Seven New Tax Extenders Pass House Ways and Means (and what it means to have Paul Ryan at the helm)
Where We Stand: 2015 State of the Union, the budget, and your taxes.
Obamacare and Your Personal Tax Return

We’ve discussed for months the rules and regulations of Obamacare and how to stay in compliance to avoid paying fines. If you listened to us (and we...

North Carolina Department of Revenue Tells Us Why We May Want to Wait to File Our NC Tax Returns

On January 15th, the North Carolina Department of Revenue (NCDOR) published a notice that talks about the effects of the Federal extenders tax bill...

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All Atypical Insights

Seven New Tax Extenders Pass House Ways and Means (and what it means to have Paul Ryan at the helm)
Seven New Tax Extenders Pass House Ways and Means (and what it means to have Paul Ryan at the helm)

Early this month the House Ways and Means Committee approved seven bills to permanently renew some...

Where We Stand: 2015 State of the Union, the budget, and your taxes.
Where We Stand: 2015 State of the Union, the budget, and your taxes.

The Obama Administration recently released its budget for fiscal year 2016, which begins October...

Obamacare and Your Personal Tax Return
Obamacare and Your Personal Tax Return

We’ve discussed for months the rules and regulations of Obamacare and how to stay in compliance to...

North Carolina Department of Revenue Tells Us Why We May Want to Wait to File Our NC Tax Returns
North Carolina Department of Revenue Tells Us Why We May Want to Wait to File Our NC Tax Returns

On January 15th, the North Carolina Department of Revenue (NCDOR) published a notice that talks...

IRS says Get Ready, Get Set, Let’s Go
IRS says Get Ready, Get Set, Let’s Go

The IRS has announced that they will be ready to start accepting tax returns electronically on...

President Obama signs tax bill. What was not in it and what happens next.
President Obama signs tax bill. What was not in it and what happens next.

As you may have heard, On December 19th, President Obama signed the tax extenders bill as it was...

Personal Credit Card Fraud
Personal Credit Card Fraud

Last week we brought to your attention the issue of credit card fraud and your business. Today, in...

Senate Steps Up and Passes Tax Extender Bill
Senate Steps Up and Passes Tax Extender Bill

As we expected they might (and are glad they did), last night, the Senate passed the tax extender...

Credit Card Fraud and Your Business
Credit Card Fraud and Your Business

We often think of credit card fraud in the personal sense. We question, “What would I do if my...

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