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Tax Legislation

Our best thought leadership, relevant news, and tools to help you grow your business.

Claiming Casualty Losses After Tax Reform
Claiming Casualty Losses After Tax Reform
New Internet Sales Tax Rules In Effect
New Internet Sales Tax Rules In Effect
What The New Overtime Regulations Mean for Your Business
What The New Overtime Regulations Mean for Your Business

It’s been a 4-year discussion that we’ve tracked extensively, and now we finally have some answers: New overtime rules will go into effect January 1,...

10 Tax Issues To Address Before End of 2019
10 Tax Issues To Address Before End of 2019

It hit me like a ton of bricks the other day: 2019 is almost over. With just over 100 days left in the year, it’s time to consider any remaining tax...

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All Tax Legislation

Claiming Casualty Losses After Tax Reform
Claiming Casualty Losses After Tax Reform

The southeast coast is no stranger to hurricanes, and this year was no different. Cat-5 Hurricane...

New Internet Sales Tax Rules In Effect
New Internet Sales Tax Rules In Effect

Remote sellers and marketplace facilitators, listen up. New internet sales tax rules for online...

What The New Overtime Regulations Mean for Your Business
What The New Overtime Regulations Mean for Your Business

It’s been a 4-year discussion that we’ve tracked extensively, and now we finally have some answers:...

10 Tax Issues To Address Before End of 2019
10 Tax Issues To Address Before End of 2019

It hit me like a ton of bricks the other day: 2019 is almost over. With just over 100 days left in...

Section 1202: The little-known tax rule that could save you big money when you sell your business.
Section 1202: The little-known tax rule that could save you big money when you sell your business.

A little-known tax provision dubbed Section 1202, which we’ve covered before, is getting a lot of...

IRS Ramping Up Enforcement of ACA
IRS Ramping Up Enforcement of ACA

A caution to business owners to not rest too easy on the Affordable Care Act (ACA/Obamacare): The...

Investing in Opportunity Zones: The Top 5 Incentives
Investing in Opportunity Zones: The Top 5 Incentives

I came across a great article this week (subscription required) in the Charlotte Business Journal...

Supreme Court Issues Ruling on Taxation of Trusts
Supreme Court Issues Ruling on Taxation of Trusts

The Supreme Court issued a huge win for trusts last month, ruling that a trust beneficiary’s...

Is This The End of Stretch IRAs and Profit Sharing Plans? Understanding the SECURE Act.
Is This The End of Stretch IRAs and Profit Sharing Plans? Understanding the SECURE Act.

In a landslide vote late last month, the House of Representatives voted to approve the SECURE...

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